Your Name
Email Address
Telephone (numbers only, no spaces):
List the exact spelling of your business name as to be displayed in the logo:
List any approved initials/letter abbreviations of your business name:
Please provide the company tag-line or slogan, if applicable:
Please list the products and services your business provides:
If there is one service or product you'd like to focus on, please detail:
What changes of focus do you see in your business in 5 years time?
Please share the unique story behind your business:
Please select the characteristics best describing the culture of your business:
Conservative Progressive Serious Fun Elitist Welcoming Formal Casual Energetic Relaxed Trendy Classic Spontaneous Orderly Unique Familiar Youthful Mature  
Where/how do you plan on using your new logo?
What type of logo do you prefer?
Lettermark Wordmark Combination Mark Icon Symbol Realistic Illustration Abstract Mascot EmblemCrestShield  
Who are your main competitors locally and regionally?
What differentiates you from your competitors?
Why should your audience choose you over the competition?
Who is your primary target audience?
Describe your ideal customer:
What is the overall message you want to convey to your target audience?
What words do you want your audience to associate with your company?
What brands or logos, regardless of industry, capture a similar look and feel to what you'd like?
Are there any colors or specific images/icons you'd like used in the logo?
Are there any colors or images/icons you'd like to avoid using?